Monday, March 8, 2010


life is full of selfish endeavours;

the hunt for love
the fun in lust
the furthering of education
the necessity of employment
the acquiring of material things
the need for acceptance
the quest for beauty

all in pursuit of self gain and self worth

i can barely think of one thing in life that is done for a reason other than for ones self gain

do you not agree?
make noise, use your fingers, talk to me, argue, make a point, opinions always welcome


  1. That is where i think we are so different, i see love as pure and honest there is no greater thing you could accomplish then to love someone so completly! The joy that is created from that makes life worth living, imagine if family's were never created and you had no mum, no dad, no lover.... life would be a sad and lonly place.

    Education also i believe has been created to make our world a better place, so we can grow and mature as people! to make the most with the time that we have on this earth.

    I no i tend to say like alot and my spelling can be horrid, and i no that i can anoy the shit out of you! but your blood and truly my best friend...try looking at things in a positive light xx love you forever fox

  2. what the frick. my post isnt about negativity or about seeing love or education as bad things.

    if you read it properly you'd understand.

    i said all those things are SELFISH things. and they are. you've even said it yourself.
    all of those things are things you do for yourself, to make yourself happy, to make yourself smarter, to make yourself better.
    not ever in the pursuits of someone elses happiness.

    you'll never hear me say love or education are bad or unhappy things. but you wont ever convince me that they arent SELFISH things.
    read properly before you comment next time lady friend.
