Rumor has it though..He is half man half beast found deep in the valleys out west raised by wild rabbits on 1080..The small green pellets of poison made his pubescent years very hard, growing hair in small patches all over his bald naked mutated body. He grew a keen site for art, arranging fallen ferns on the forest floor to attract wood pigeons to feed on at dusk..The "Fallen Fern art" was discovered by a local Devonport family who bought the patch of soil for 7 dollars just enough for the manchild to catch the evening bus to central city where he continued for years to poo into his hand, shape the poo into a knife, let it freeze and mug international students outside Symond Street Starbucks for spare change until he could afford his first set of colored pens. He could also just be your average cat rolling around the city doing cool shit.
Cute very artistic van!!!fake handbag