My first reactions of possibly the most charismatic person (perhaps I will ever meet) hit instantly.
Grace held an amazing confidence while blinding anybody that came near with a set of pearly whites, which on every encounter since appear along with a instantly likeable opening liner about everything that she had been doing. Having a semi below-par day a few Fridays ago, Auckland central bringing a depressing monsoon, car horns bumper to bumper, grey suits camouflaged against grey office buildings and not a peachy faced to be seen. It was a real shitter, a few steps later I caught sight of a leafy green umbrella skipping happily to the beat of raindrops falling above a frizzled black head.
I found a white teethed, black dressed Grace hidden, smiling a cool little smile, Happily unaware of any rainstorm above her. For fifteen minutes she untangled the most ridiculous story I have ever heard about awkwardness, what ifs and coincidence. Her face changing only from the brightest smile to otherworldly laughs, causing ripples in coffee drinkers glasses. She is the T-rex of laughter. Like a small child, I was cast under yet another Riggir spell and once saying goodbye my grey winter mood was not only cured but I skipped home happily trying my best to repeat Graces joke to a dead silent audience. Grace is a demon on the stories she also happens to be finishing her third year at AUT in Fashion Textiles, much like Mikey Bullen I wondered what this humble little pixie had in store after?
What is your name, what do you do?
Grace mary Riggir-Cuddy But who for frequent difficulty with pronunciation has me named, simply Grace Riggir.
When did your love/interest for fashion begin?
My muma made a lot of my families clothes when we were kids, including a Von trap-esque uniform from the curtains in our lounge sooooooo from 4 or 5 i could essentially, design whatever i wanted (as long as it was conventional enough for simplicity sewing skills), I spent hours flicking through pattern books and exploring the aisles of Arther Toye for fabrics and trims to complete my latest vision! once you make your own clothes from an idea nothing is ever more you again....i guess.
What inspires you?
Tricky- my friends. Thoughts of romantics and paradoxically minimalist theories...Im to fickle. All sorts every three seconds or so.
What was a recent dreaming worth remembering?
cant say i can ever really remember my dreams- unless they mesh a little with my early morning thoughts nothing recently...
Song/Music that your into at present?
I have just discovered the record boxes of my estranged flatmate and am reminiscing with old flames.
How was your last three years of fashion been and what is next after graduation?
Its got increasingly crazier. I've learnt a lot and am now slowly chipping my way into or at least toward the fashion industry. Im now studying full time, working part time at WORLD, have an internship at in the workroom for RUBY, assisting the pr and brand manager and recently have become an intern for stylist karen Inderbitzn-waller - its all very exciting BUT who knows from here really.

Merci Mme Gracie!
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